Kate acknowledges that she performs readings, expands her knowledge, and lives daily on the unceded land of indigenous peoples. Residing in multiple locations, she extends her deepest respect to all indigenous persons of what is now known as the United States.

Elle acknowledges that she performs readings, expands her knowledge, and lives daily on the unceded land of indigenous peoples. She extends her deepest respect to all indigenous persons of what is now known as the Tidewater region of Virginia, including the Chickahominy Tribe, the Mattaponi Indian Tribe, and the Nansemond Indian Nation.

Similarly, we recognize there are many marginalized groups and people struggling in the world today. We hope to demonstrate our support for everyone seeking equal and just treatment, including those who identify as Black, People of Color, LGBTQ+, Disabled, Spoonies, and/or Neurodivergent. We acknowledge all persons of any gender affected by the Dobbs decision in the US and subsequent restrictions to their healthcare. Please accept our sincere apologies if your community was not listed by name. 

We ask for your patience and welcome anyone “calling us in” so we can learn greater empathy and solidarity.

To learn more about the land you live on, visit https://native-land.ca/

Autumn Mystics, est. 2023

Statement of Support

Kate Orndorff (she/her) is an an eclectic spiritual who occasionally listens to the universe.

A Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Leo Rising, Kate is passionate about self-expression of all kinds. She hopes to help others to find their own path and try new things as they become the desired version of themselves.

Kate is a Tarot reader, ballroom dancer, teacher, and co-host of the Autumn Mystics podcast. Kate strongly believes that everyone is completely whole as they are, and has the potential to do everything they’ve ever wanted to.

Kate lives in Delaware with 2 cats while her partner is away with the Army. She enjoys spending time dancing, crafting, doing puzzles, and embroidering.

Elle Lowery (she/her) is a multipassionate creative and intuitive,

A Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, and Pisces Rising, Elle is passionate about supporting others on their unique journeys. She hopes to validate and empower others as they pursue inner healing.

Elle lives with neurodivergence and embraces the unique perspective it provides. She is an Astrologer, writer, teacher, and co-host of the Autumn Mystics podcast. Elle strongly believes no rulebook for life exists and everyone contains within themselves the answers they seek.

Elle lives in Virginia with her husband, Ricky, and their 4 pets. She enjoys spending time reading, horseback riding, gardening, and knitting.